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Taipei Travel

COVID Preventative Measure: Public-funded PCR Test Prior to End of Quarantine

Anchor point

Post date:2021-06-30



In light of reports regarding a new Delta strand of COVID-19 virus which have been confirmed by PCR test after an overseas returnee completed quarantine, the Central Epidemic Command Center announced adjustments to the current quarantine guideline for individuals entering from abroad.

Starting June 22, those under quarantine/isolation will be given a public-funded PCR test 2 days prior to the end of the isolation period. Those whose test results are negative will have their quarantine lifted. Individuals with positive results will be relocated to either hospital, enhanced government quarantine facility, or enhanced quarantine hotel.
A quarantine hotel in Taipei
Since the announcement of the central government’s revised guidelines, Taipei City Government held a number of cross-agency meetings between June 23 and 25 to confirm implementation details and methods. The following measures are in place for Taipei City: 1) Individuals under home quarantine will have access to public-funded testing, though he or she will be responsible for registration fee and copayments. For those under home isolation, he or she will be exempted from all fees except for the transportation cost for traveling to and from the testing site.

To ensure convenient access to COVID-19 screenings, the Public Transportation Office have enlisted the service of 50 quarantine taxies and 12 mobile testing buses.

The Department of Health reminded individuals under both home quarantine and home isolation to comply with existing pandemic prevention measures, with the civil affairs and foreign affairs police units in charge of making screening arrangements. The contact windows are as follows: the health service centers are responsible for contacting citizens under home isolation; the civil affairs units are in charge of citizens under home quarantine, and the foreign affairs police division are assigned the duty of notifying foreign nationals. Those under quarantine or isolation must not leave their isolation/quarantine sites prior to receiving their PCR results.

Individuals who do not visit the designated hospital for testing or who refuse to be tested will be fined between NT$60,000 and NT$300,000 in accordance with Section 2, Article 43 and Article 67 of the Communicable Disease Control Act.

