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Taipei Travel

TAIPEI 2015Winter Vol.02—Watching Over Taiwan's Great Coffee – Atsuomi Itou

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Post date:2016-06-17



Article: Lingyuan Yang
Photos: William Lin
Taiwanese people love coffee, but very few people know that Taiwan produces world-class coffee. Atsuomi Itou, who came to Taiwan from Japan, discovered the unique taste of Alishan (阿里山) coffee. But, he could not understand why it was not popular in Taiwan. Through his persistent promotional efforts, Alishan coffee has gradually become part of the lives of Taiwanese coffee drinkers and has even gained attention on the international stage.
Unforgettable Alishan Coffee
Itou, who was born in Tokyo, has a strong preference for coffee. He worked at both Starbucks and at a coffee roaster with a long history for nearly 10 years and obtained a Coffee Specialist certification from the Specialty Coffee Association Japan. He had heard about the fine coffee produced in Taiwan and wanted to taste it for himself. Thus, in 2008, on a trip to Taiwan he immediately went to Alishan in search of good quality, local coffee. “Alishan light roasted coffee is very delicious with an aroma of pineapples and lemon tea and an aftertaste of oolong tea.” Itou recalls the pleasant surprise of sampling Alishan coffee for the first time. It surpassed his expectations. Upon returning to Japan, he began to think about how he could introduce Alishan coffee there. As he could not speak Chinese at the time, he began watching Taiwanese soap operas to learn the language. He also began discussing his plan to work in Taiwan with his family. It just so happened that his father had in mind to open a coffee shop in Taiwan. Thus, in 2012, Itou and his father started their first coffee shop, ATTS Coffee, in Banciao, and he continued to promote Alishan coffee, working with a coffee plantation. He also roasted his own coffee beans and asked a Japanese designer to create packaging designs, as part of his efforts to launch the “Alisan Project” brand.
Atsuomi Itou enjoys personally brewing coffee for each of his customers every day.
Becoming a Happy Coffee Master in Taipei
In the beginning, Itou set up a stall at the Taipei Songshan Airport (臺北松山機場) for people to taste his coffee. Some Japanese visitors to Taiwan recommended his coffee beans, and he also attempted to open sales channels in Taiwan and Japan. After a period of hard work, Alisan Project products are now sold in Taipei at Eslite Spectrum Songyan Store (松菸誠品) and Good Cho's (好丘) in 44 South Village (四四南村), as well as in Osaka, Japan. To provide a place for coffee lovers to taste good, hand roasted coffee, Itou opened Goodman Roaster on Tianyu Street in Tianmu in December 2014. In this coffee shop, Itou specially prepares coffee for each customer. He truly enjoys the process, especially when a customer receives a cup of freshly brewed coffee and exclaims, “It smells so good, so rich.” This is the moment he feels the happiest and most touched.
Atsuomi Itou is fond of Taiwan's Alishan coffee. Working with a coffee farm he has launched the Alisan Project brand.
After living in Taipei for more than four years, Itou loves Taipei life. No matter if it’s the food, the environment or the culture, there is no aspect that he does not feel he has become accustomed. “I love to eat wonton the most. I most often go to Wen Zhou Da Hun Tun ( 溫州大餛飩) near Taipei City Hall. Wontons are large, have a rich filling, and are inexpensive.” In addition, a stir-fry restaurant on Changan East Road is a must for taking his friends when they visit from Japan. The food is delicious, there is a large selection and the prices are reasonable. It is especially the warm atmosphere that makes diners feel comfortable and happy.
 Good Man Roaster coffee shop sells many coffee-related products.
“I chose to have my home and coffee shop on Section 7, Zhongshan North Road in Tianmu because the alleys and lanes are quiet and clean. It is very much like Meguro City in Tokyo, Japan. It makes me feel like I am back in Japan.”
 Atsuomi Itou hopes to introduce Taiwan's great coffee to the world.
Life and coffee have fused together. In addition to working in his shop every day, in his free time Itou visits newly opened or popular coffee shops in Taipei City, such as Fika Fika Cafe, Single Origin espresso & roast and PAPER ST. COFFEE COMPANY. These coffee shops have their individual styles and unique concepts, which are just waiting to be enjoyed.
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Taipei's stir-fry restaurants are must-eat destinations for Atsuomi Itou’s friends visiting from Japan.
“Taiwan has many great things that are worth introducing to Japan and the whole world.” Harboring this idea, Itou continues to fulfill his Taiwan coffee dream and hopes to share it with the whole world.

