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Taipei Travel

Private Organizations Recognized for Commitment to Guandu Nature Park

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Post date:2017-01-03


Press bureau:Department of Information Technology


Private Organizations Recognized for Commitment to Guandu Nature Park

Mayor Ko Wen-je attended a rite of passage ceremony to mark the 16th anniversary of the founding of Guandu Nature Park on December 1.During his address, Ko noted that Guandu Nature Park, situated along Tamsui River and Keelung River, boasts beautiful scenery and rich wetland resources and serves as an important symbol of sustainable ecosystem in Taipei.The mayor took the opportunity to express his gratitude to three parties without whose contributions the park could not have come such a long way.

He first acknowledged the effort by Taipei City Government, which invested a remarkable amount of NT$15 billion in land expropriation and transformation of the topographic features for the park.Ko also paid tribute to Wild Bird Society of Taipei, which dedicated to caring the park for 16 years. Thanks to its endeavor, Guandu Nature Park has been honored as a model of wetland conservation by the Ramsar Convention Secretariat. It is also the first institute to have received environmental education certificate in Taiwan. In addition, the mayor gave credit to Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) for its strong support of the park over the years in the form of both hardware and software sponsorships. A great number of volunteers for the park also hail from HSBS employees.

