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Taipei Lantern Festival Spotlights North Gate 3D Projection Mapping Show

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Post date:2017-01-24


Press bureau:Department of Information Technology


Taipei Lantern Festival Spotlights North Gate 3D Projection Mapping Show

Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT) invites the public to get a sneak peek at the highlight of the 2017 Taipei Lantern Festival--North Gate (Beimen) lighting display utilizing 3D projection mapping technologies—through simulation images on the cloud platform: According to Agi Chen, the artist behind the lighting spectacle, the edifice of North Gate will be lit on the east, west, and south facets based on the theme of “West Street Party.” Centered on North Gate, elements such as iconic local business establishments spanning bookstores, camera and record shops, delicacies, as well as fashion and clothing retailers, will be appearing as three-dimensional images on the walls of the structure.

Taipei Lantern Festival Spotlights North Gate 3D Projection Mapping Show

TPEDOIT Commissioner Chien Yu-yen reckoned that North Gate, which plays a pivotal role in triggering Ko administration’s West District Gateway Project, has been used by the artist as a “door” connecting the past and the future. The West Street Party will lead visitors on a time travel to explore the then and now of Ximending, introducing visitors to a district of Taipei that is always brimming with pop culture energy and shines as a trendsetter. Also a landmark of the city’s west district, Zhongshan Hall is another spotlight of the light projection show. Built in 1932, Zhongshan Hall transformed from a place for public gatherings to an important political and diplomatic arena from 1945 onward. The building will be illuminated as the “West Side Grand Cinema,” incorporating montage techniques to showcase the island’s history, art, and culture scenes intertwined with surreal dance movements.Featuring “Westside Story, Taipei Glory,” 2017 Taipei Lantern Festival will run from February 4 through 12. To learn more about the annual lighting fest, visit

