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Taipei Travel

Taipei Camellia Festival, 2023

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Taipei Camellia Festival, 2023
Event Time
工務局 公園處
Phone Number
Event Location
Floriculture Experiment Center, Shilin Dist., Taipei City Taiwan, R.O.C
The Floriculture Experiment Center was the place where camellia breeding started first in northern Taiwan. Due to the slightly acidic soil, year-round mist, and other suitable conditions, camellia and rhododendron were introduced to the area during the Japanese Colonial Period. What started as a hedgerow has now become a camellia tunnel. When the flowers are in bloom, a pink tableaux is formed, making this a favorite area for visitors to take photos. The Taipei Camellia Festival lasts for only 10 days, during which the camellia bloom in succession. Precious camellia bonsais (potted landscapes) on loan from camellia experts from around Taiwan are on display. Flower lovers should be sure not to miss this grand annual camellia flower event!

