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Taipei Travel

《Beitou-Zhuzihu Route》Beitou Hot Spring Museum

Anchor point

Post date:2009-07-16


Beitou Hot Spring Museum
Built in 1913, Beitou Hot Spring Museum was originally known as the Beitou Hot Spring Public Bath House, and was the largest hot spring bath house in East Asia at the time. This two-story wooden building has a strong Japanese influence. When you are here, please close your eyes and imagine for a moment the bustling scene of the public bath from the early days and the customers with white towels on top of their heads soaking in the European style public bath. As the sunlight streams through the colored glass windows, the atmosphere in the bath house is serene and beautiful. It must have been wonderful.

Today, however, the purpose of the Beitou Hot Spring Museum is different from that of the past, and it has been transformed into a museum that introduces the culture of the Beitou area. The entrance of this building is located on the 2nd floor. Entering the museum, a Japanese style tatami room stands in the middle. The exhibition areas on both sides introduce the construction of the public bath house and how the community promoted the establishment of a hot spring museum. Classic 1950-70’s Taiwanese movies are shown in the Exhibition Hall. The majority of these movies were filmed in Beitou, so you will be able to see the area’s landscape at the time.

We welcome you to spend a relaxing afternoon here. We believe that you will gain a deeper understanding of hot spring culture during the Japanese era after you tour the historic site, appreciate this elaborate yet unadorned wooden building, and tour the displays inside the museum.


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