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Taipei Travel

2020 National Hakka Day: Heaven Mending Day Holiday – Sharing Hakka Culture Through Five-Color Market, Challenge Games Experience, and Music

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Post date:2020-02-06



Have you heard of Heaven Mending Day Holiday? Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission (HAC) invites citizens to come to the Fairground at Daan Park in Taipei City on February 8 to participate in the 2020 National Hakka Day: Heaven Mending Day Holiday celebration!

Heaven Mending Day is an important holiday for the Hakka people because on this day they all suspend their work for the sake of resting and recreation. THAC invites all citizens to join the Heaven Mending Day celebration in the afternoon during the weekend to convey the Hakka culture and spirit of environmental protection with elements inspired by the legend of Nu Wa Mends the Sky and Five-Color Stones including vibrant colors, music, and market. The aim of the event is also to let the public enjoy the activities while gaining more insight into Hakka festivals.

In echoing the element of Five-Color Stones, the Five-Color Market was designed to let the participants enjoy challenging games, so that they can learn while playing and play while learning, in turn understanding Hakka culture and physical and spiritual relaxation. At the same time, they can also indulge themselves in the cultural creativity, artistic ambiance, and quaint cultural and creative merchandise. A series of blessing ceremonies has been designed for the stage in welcoming the New Year along with various exciting performances such as the awesome percussion opening show, mysterious magic performance, thrilling family interactive show, and unique Hakka independent bands. The lineup of sensational activities keeps citizens waiting with bated breath.

The activity is not only full of vigor and fun, but the Heaven Mending Positive Energy activity is also held, inviting professional mindfulness facilitators to bring about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for citizens participating in the event. Currently in vogue in North America, MBSR allows people to put down their consumer electronics in order to achieve true physical and spiritual relaxation, to that they can relish in a pleasant, comfortable afternoon at Daan Park.

Citizens interested in the event and those curious about Hakka culture are invited to come to the Fairground at Daan Park on February 8 between 14:00 and 17:00 to partake in the Heaven Mending Day Holiday celebration. For additional details, please refer to HAC’s official website (

