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Taipei Travel

Student Recruitment Begins for Newly-founded Digital Experimental High School

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Post date:2022-06-24



Mayor Ko Wen-je attended the inauguration ceremony of the Taipei Digital Experimental High School (T-School) on June 21. The school was established in May of 2022, and student enrollment has begun for the upcoming 2022 school year.
Student Recruitment Begins for Newly-founded Digital Experimental High School 
During his address, the mayor noted that the “T” in T-School represents many elements, including “Taipei,” “Technology,” “Talent,” and “T-shaped Talent.” The school’s vision highlights the values of exploration and freedom. It seeks to develop education methods customized for each student. The curriculum also emphasizes integration of digital technologies and personalized in-depth learning to unlock students’ potentials.
Ko noted that there are elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in Taipei City with experimental curriculums. He believes that Taipei’s most competitive area in the field of education is smart education, with 236 local schools equipped with campus fiberoptic network and free Wi-Fi in classrooms. Numerous classrooms are equipped with 85-inch touch screen displays, and schools implement the policy of “one-tablet-per-student.” All these factors provide Taipei City’s students with a convenient e-learning environment. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 also resulted in the rapid growth of remote learning, which could be seen from the number of users taking advantage of Taipei’s CooC Cloud.
The mayor added that it is still too early to tell what kind of students the experimental high school will nurture and educate, much like how Columbus set sail towards a new frontier. He expressed his hope that T-School will teach its students to be independent and to develop a healthy appetite for learning. He doesn’t expect each student to be the same, but rather encourages each to realize his or her own potentials.
Principal Chen Chih-yuan, who is also the acting director of the T-School Preparation Office, remarked that the institution offers students with customized resources for learning and respects learning differences among individuals. Every student at the school can develop their own curriculum, and the school puts more weight on individual’s learning motivation instead of relying solely on grades. Ultimately, the school hopes to nurture students who are interested in lifelong learning and possess a global perspective.

