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Collection of Old Taipei Photos to be Showcased at Wenshan Civic Hall

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Post date:2023-05-08



The Taipei Public Library (TPL) will hold an Old Taipei Photos Exhibition at the Wenshan Civic Hall between May 4 and 18. The showcase centers on past images of nostalgic tourist destinations in Taipei City.

According to TPL, the institution set upon the task of holding old Taipei photo submission events since 2007. Much of the accumulated photos have been placed on the TPL Digital Archives, which can be accessed online. Visitors can immerse themselves in old memories while exploring the database of over 4,000 old photos of Taipei City.
Collection of Old Taipei Photos to be Showcased at Wenshan Civic Hall
Some of the destinations featured in the old photo exhibition include Yangmingshan, Beitou Hot Springs, Yuanshan Children Amusement Park, and Yuanshan Zoo. Whether a snapshot captured at the Yangmingshan Flower Clock decades ago or a picture of children crowded around the now-decease elephant Lin Wang at the old zoo, the photos will resurrect treasured reminiscence in the mind of longtime residents of the city.
Collection of Old Taipei Photos to be Showcased at Wenshan Civic Hall
While a number of these attractions have been relocated or no longer exist today, the scenes frozen in time will be preserved for years to come, making them a part of our shared memories and the history of this city.

In addition to the Old Photos Exhibition, TPL will also organize a book exhibition highlighting the theme of old photos of Taipei City alongside the photo showcase. A selection of books on the transition of Taipei City across the different eras will be available for visitors to browse and explore.

