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Taipei Zoo Celebrates 2023 World Wildlife Day

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Post date:2023-03-07



March 3 is also the World Wildlife Day. This year, the theme is “Partnership for Wildlife Conservation.” To highlight this topic, Taipei Zoo invites the public to learn more about the key workers whose efforts contribute to the conservation of wildlife around the world – the zookeepers.
Taipei Zoo Celebrates 2023 World Wildlife Day
The United Nations declared March 3 as World Wildlife Day to celebrate biodiversity and the beauty of animals and plants. This special day also offers an opportunity to educate the public on the importance of wildlife conservation and biodiversity in the world of nature, as well as how these factors affect our living environment. 

This year’s event also celebrates an important occasion – the 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The agreement is vital to ensuring that international trade does not threaten the survival of species and is taken up by governments around the world. 
Taipei Zoo Celebrates 2023 World Wildlife Day
Zoos, aquariums, animal conservatories and related facilities around the world provide invaluable support for protecting biodiversity in the form of either in-situ or ex-situ conservation. These institutions boast rich experience and professional knowledge in the area of wildlife care and are proactively involved with conservation efforts. On the other hand, zoos and aquariums also attract numerous visitors and serve as channels of education where people can learn more about animals and conservation. 

To most people, zookeepers are individuals who work at the zoo and look after the animals. In reality, the term “zookeeper” covers a wide range of experts – from researchers to educators to conservationists to animal doctors. Ensuring that zoo denizens live in a healthy and carefree environment is the mission of zookeepers. Through the World Wildlife Day commemoration event, Taipei Zoo hopes to highlight the importance of facilities such as zoos and aquariums and recognize the contributions of hardworking zookeepers.

