1. Electricity:
- Taiwan uses an electric current of 110 volts at 60 cycles. Many buildings also have 220-volt sockets.
- Visitors with appliances of different voltages are urged to bring adapters with them.

2. Telephone:
Both coin and card pay public phones are available in Taiwan:
- Coin phones accept coins in denominations of NT$1, NT$5, and NT10.
- Card phones accept both magnetic-strip and IC stored-value cards available in amounts of NT$100, NT$200, and NT$300. These cards are sold in railway stations, bus stations, and convenience stores.
- Local calls from public phones are charged at NT$1 per minute.
- International direct calls are charged at NT$5 per specified unit of time.
When making local calls it is not necessary to dial the area code. When making long-distance calls, first dial the area code of the receiving party (see explanation on the public telephone) and then the number itself.
When making local calls, it is not necessary to dial the area code; however, when making long-distance calls, first dial the area code of the receiving party (see the explanations on public telephones) and then the number itself.
Calling Overseas Direct from Taiwan:
- Dial Taiwan's international access code (002 or 009).
- Dial the country code of the country being called (Ex. "1" for the US, "86" for mainland China).
- Dial in the area code of the called party (leaving out the long-distance digit, "0").
Dial the local number of the called party. For operator-assisted international calls, please dial "100."
For information on international calling, call this toll-free number: 0800-080-100.
3. For international reverse charges or credit calls the dial-up codes for various countries are as follows:
- Australia 00801-610-610, 00801-610-061
- Canada 00801-120-012
- Germany 00801-490-049
- Hong Kong 00801-852-111
- Italy 00801-390-039
- Japan 00801-810-051. 00801-810-033
- South Korea 00801-820-820
- Malaysia 00801-600-060
- The Philippines 00801-630-063, 00801-630-630
- Singapore 00801-656-565
- United Kingdom 00801-440-044
- United States (AT&T) 00801-102-880
- United States (MCI) 00801-13-4567 (English), 00801-13-9988 (Mandarin)
Dial-up codes are subject to change. For toll-free information on current codes call: 0800-080-100