1. The currency of Taiwan is the new Taiwan dollar (NT$):
Paper Currency: NT$2,000, NT$1,000, NT$500, NT$200, and NT$100
Coins : NT$50, NT$20, NT$10, NT$5, and NT$1

2. Changing Money:
Foreign currencies can be exchanged at government-designated banks and hotels.
Receipts are given when currency is exchanged, and must be presented in order to exchange unused NT dollars before departure.
3. Foreign Exchange Banks:
Please refer to the Central Bank’s List of Financial Institutions and the Financial Supervisory Commission website.
Opening hours: Mondays through Fridays, 09:00 - 15:30. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.
ATM locations: ATM finder website (Chinese).
Source: Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
4. Tipping:
Hotels and restaurants in Taiwan often charge a 10% service fee. Even though tipping is not mandatory, the service staff greatly appreciate if you tip them for their good service.