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GEO Invites You to Discover the Star of Neigouxi

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Post date:2016-04-11


Press bureau:Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government


GEO Invites You to Discover the Star of Neigouxi

GEO Invites You to Discover the Star of Neigouxi

Located in Neihu District, the Neigouxi Ecological Exhibition Hall boasts a vibrant ecosystem, surrounded by greens and water. The center is an ideal place to conduct outdoor classes on the natural environment.

The first classes for the 2016 Neigouxi Ecology Course will kick off on April 30 with “Discover the Star of Neigouxi.” The Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) welcomes students in elementary schools (or older) and their parents to attend the class and uncover the ‘star’ of Neigouxi!

The first class will be held at the Neigouxi Ecological Exhibition Center and is free for all participants. Come and observe the natural landscape in the area by exploring stone walls eroded by wind and listen to stories on animals and plants in the area.

According to the agency, the Neigouxi area used to rest on the seafloor 20 million years ago. However, due to plate tectonic activities, it became the landscape we see today. In the early periods, Neigouxi was covered by primitive forest and home to a rich variety of lifeforms. While it has become a destination for a short outing for city dwellers today, we can still see the traces of previous glories in the area with a diverse ecosystem.

There will be two class sessions on April 30 – one from 9 AM to noon and another from 1:30 Pm through 4:30 PM. For those who wish to attend the class, please register online starting at noon on April 8.

For more information, please visit the official blog of Neigouxi Ecological Exhibition Center at: (Chinese)

Neigouxi Ecological Exhibition Hall
Address: No. 236-3, Kangle Street, Neihu District

Buses: Routes 630, 287, 281, 903, 646, and 53 (15 min. walk after disembarking at Zhong 3rd Street stop); S1 (bus stops upon demand)
MRT: Take S1 or 281 after disembarking at MRT Kunyang Station or MRT Donghu Station; Take buses 287, 630, 903, or S1 after disembarking at MRT Huzhou Station 

  • Source: Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government

