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Taipei Travel

Mayor Joins Kids in Squirt Gun Showdown at 2023 Taipei Water Festival

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Post date:2023-07-04



Wearing goggles, T-shirt, short pants, sandals, and holding a “shield,” Mayor Chiang Wan-an kicked off the 2023 Taipei Water Festival on July 1. After a short opening speech, the mayor joined friends young an old in a massive water gun fight.

Mayor Joins Kids in Squirt Gun Showdown at 2023 Taipei Water Festival
Holding a water gun in his hand, the mayor joked that he came here fully prepared to be soaked and drenched. He recalled that he brought his kids to the water park years ago, and now he is considering to bring them here again so they can enjoy the fun activities at the water park.

During his opening speech, the mayor pointed out that there has been a lapse of two years since the previous Taipei Water Festival dur to the pandemic. Many adults and kids have been looking forward to the opening of the festival – as evident by the shouts, splashes, and laughter echoing across the water park since morning. Chiang revealed that he is wary of entering the pool after the opening ceremony, since he might become an obvious target for the other revelers.

To ensure the quality of the water in the pools and safeguard visitors’ health, the Water Park staff will conduct inspection on water quality every two hours.

The mayor noted that from today through August 27, parents and children can visit the park and enjoy an entire summer of watery fun during the two months period. In addition, the agency will also hold small fairs and schedule performances by indigenous people on weekends and holidays.

