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April at Huanjiang Waterfowl Nature Park: Waterfowls, Flowers, and More!

Anchor point

Post date:2021-04-12



Spring marks the start of migration season for many avian at Huanjiang Waterfowl Park. While numerous young teals have already departed on their long journey to Siberia, there are still ones who remain at the park.
April at Huanjiang Waterfowl Nature Park: Waterfowls, Flowers, and More!
According to the figures reported by the Huachiang Wetland Guardian Alliance, the top 6 birds with large populations at the park (as of April) are as follows: wild pigeons, African sacred ibis, light-vented bulbuls, herons, teals, and black-headed munias. In May 2020, there was even a record of 60 cattle egrets spotted at the riverside on a single day!

Despite the diminishing number of migratory waterfowls at the park, spring is also the start of the flower season. Huajiang Waterfowl Nature Park boasts a total of 262 types of vascular plants, with the most populous being from the families Gramineae (44 kinds) and Asteraceae (36 kinds).

Of course, there are also plants which bloom all-year-round, including yellow quails, false daisies, Spanish needles, goatweeds, floss flowers, trailing daisies, and creeping oxalis. People visiting the park on a sunny day are bound to enjoy scenes of beauty and relaxation.
April at Huanjiang Waterfowl Nature Park: Waterfowls, Flowers, and More!
The Animal Protection Office reminds visitors not to disturb or damage the surrounding environment and not to feed wildlife at the park. These animals are able to feed off berries, sprouts, and insects, and giving them food will risk changing their natural habits. Let us all work together to create an eco-friendly environment and to establish a healthy relationship between human and nature.

