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Taipei Travel

[Level 3 COVID Alert] Takeout to be the Only option for Traditional Markets, Night Markets, Underground Mall, Supermarkets

Anchor point

Post date:2021-05-24



Mayor Ko Wen-je and city officials presided over the COVID update press conference on May 20.

Regarding the development of pandemic in Taipei City, the mayor remarked that the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control reported 286 domestic cases for the day. The total number of people tested at the rapid test stations on the previous day reached 1271, with a positive rate of 4.6%.

Judging from the positive rate results obtained between May 13 and 19, while the average is 7.6%, the fact that there has been no significant spike in COVID-19 cases and the gradual implementation of strict control mechanism in the past few days seem to demonstrate the effectiveness of the measures upon virus spread.
  1. Regarding the situation in Wanhua, the numbers hinted that the spread has been controlled. However, he citied other countries and pointed out that there might be a resurgence if measures are relaxed. He continues to call upon the public to stay at home when possible and wear face mask.
  2. The mayor called upon hospitals to add rapid testing for people undergoing PCR tests. He stressed that the percentage of both PCR and rapid test showing the same result is fairly high, and the addition of rapid test allows those tested to have an idea within 20 minutes which helps to minimize uncertainty and fear. It also buys the government agencies more time to conduct follow-up actions.
  3. The city government has issued a call during yesterday’s conference to former medical workers to return to the frontline. As of May 20, over 1,400 former medical workers have signed up. The mayor expressed his gratitude to these volunteers and informed them that the city government will contact them in order and deploy them to their stations after training.
  4. Deputy Mayor Huang Shan-shan added that an executive order will be issued later in the day to limit options to takeout only for the following businesses in Taipei City: super markets, night markets, underground mall, venues with concentrated hawker stalls, and markets (including wholesale and public-owned retail markets).
  5. With the recent policy of transferring all individuals with positive rapid testing results to enhanced quarantine centers/hotels, the city government has plans to increase the manpower at these establishment by expanding the number of stationed medical personnel, chemical troops, and fire and police staff. The medical staff will attend to the medical needs of the COVID patients, while the chemical troops will strengthen the frequency of disinfection work.

