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Beimen Photography Competition to Dole out NT$440,000 in Prize Money!

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Post date:2016-03-22



Beimen Photography Competition to Dole out NT$440,000 in Prize Money!

Beimen Photography Competition to Dole out NT$440,000 in Prize Money!

To resurrect the past glories of Beimen, the New Construction Office (NCO) is holding a photography competition and inviting the public to submit pictures of the former North Gate of Taipei. The pictures may be from the period either before or after the dismantling of Zhongxiao Bridge Ramp.

The competition runs from March 15 through April 15. An award ceremony and an exhibition of the winning works will take place at the main lobby of city hall on May 21. With the exception of staff from the Public Works Department (PWD), everyone is eligible to participate – regardless of age or nationality.

There will be three gold medal winners bringing home prize money of NT$50,000 each; three silver medal winners (NT$30,000); three bronze medal winners (NT$20,000); 10 merit award winners (NT$5,000); 15 honorable mentions (NT$3,000); and 25 judges’ award winners (NT$2,000).

PWD Commissioner Pong Cheng-sheng noted that a judge panel will select photographs that best depict the historical monument prior to, in the middle of, and after the removal of the Zhongxiao Bridge ramp. The competition marks the first steps towards the realization of Taipei’s West District Gateway revitalization project. It also seeks to acknowledge the hard work of the government staff who sacrificed their Chinese New Year holiday for the execution of the ramp’s demolition.

With the reopening of roads surrounding Beimen to traffic since February 13, PWD reminds individuals to mind their own safety and avoid violating traffic rules when taking pictures.

More details about the photography competition can be found at (Chinese).

  • Source: Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government

