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Taipei Travel

Fujhoushan Park 福州山公園

Anchor point

Tuesday:open 24 hours




The park is located at the slope beside Xinhai Road and Wolong Road and is 105m above the sea level. It was formerly the Fujhoushan Cemetery but after being renovated into a park, the focus is on nature and ecological preservation. The park has rich ecology and beautiful scenery.

In the park, there is a hiking trail along which one can hear insects and birds chirping and enjoy the fresh air. There is also pavilion on the way for visitors to rest and look at Mount Guanyin and Datunshan. In addition to being the best location to enjoy the full view of Taipei 101, it is also frequently visited by trekker and is an excellent location for an ecological learning journey. 


Outing Locations Family Activities
Suggested Months for Visiting
All year
Phone Number
Sec. 3, Xinhai Rd,beside Xinglong Market, Da'an Dist., Taipei City Taiwan, R.O.C

Opening Hours

Sundayopen 24 hours
Mondayopen 24 hours
Tuesdayopen 24 hours
Wednesdayopen 24 hours
Thursdayopen 24 hours
Fridayopen 24 hours
Saturdayopen 24 hours


Nearby MRT

BR Wenhu Line Linguang

BR Wenhu Line Liuzhangli

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  • Today 17°C 20%
  • 02/12 18°C 20%
  • 02/13 17°C 90%

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