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Taipei Travel

Xinsheng Park 新生公園

Anchor point

Sunday:open 24 hours




The nearly 20-hectare Xinsheng Park was completed in 1978 where the Taipei Xinsheng Elevated Road, Minzu E. Rd., Songjiang Rd. and Binjiang St. meet. The second largest of its kind in Taipei City, Xinsheng Park boasts an impressive array of facilities perfect for recreation and sports, which include an indoor pool, a baseball field, a basketball court and the environmentalist Garden Maze. Adding a touch of culture to the park are nine varying sized sculptures, namely the “Times of Ease,” “Peace on Earth,” “A Flock of Cranes,” “Hope,” “Prosperity,” “Love & Peace,” “Dad’s Message,” “Where the Spring Goes” and “Unity.”

Xinsheng Park, which was one of four exhibit areas of the 2010Taipei International Flora Expo, covers the neighboring Lin An-tai Historical House & Museum, as well as the Flora Tunnel (Bamboo Veranda) made of floral blossoms, vegetations and shrubs of bamboo that links the Dajia Riverside Park Area. In addition to gardening highlights in the “Dream” and “Tea” sections that make references to the Xinsheng Park and Lin An-tai Historical House & Museum, respectively, other must-visits in the area are the Palace of Flora Teas, which is a traditional Chinese-style, four-walled courtyard; the Pavilion of Regimen housed in the park’s existing structure of “Little White House”; the Pavilion of Dreams that differentiates itself from the other Flora Expo pavilions with state-of-the-art, interactive digital technologies originated in Taiwan; the Pavilion of Angel Life emphasizes the importance of an arts-infused lifestyle; the Pavilion of Future illustrates the harmonious ties between mankind and the ecological environment they share with plant life. The Pavilions of Dreams, Angel Life and Future have received candidacy for the diamond degree of the Taiwanese EEWH Green Building.

After the closing of the Flora Expo, the Palace of Flora Teas and the Pavilions of Regimen, Angel Life and Future were renovated and reopened along with a part of the lawn and outdoor space. A three-pavilion pass is now available at a charge for visitors to enjoy the Pavilion of Dream, the most popular facility during the Flora Expo period, as well as the Pavilion of Future and the Taipei Pavilion (from Expo 2010 Shanghai), for just NT$150.


Outing Locations Family Activities
Family、Campus teaching
Suggested Months for Visiting
All year
Yuanshan Park Management Division
Phone Number
No. 105, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City Taiwan, R.O.C

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Opening Hours

Sundayopen 24 hours
Mondayopen 24 hours
Tuesdayopen 24 hours
Wednesdayopen 24 hours
Thursdayopen 24 hours
Fridayopen 24 hours
Saturdayopen 24 hours

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