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The Melody of Arts: A Leisurely Cultural Odyssey

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Post date:2023-11-21


The Melody of Arts: A Leisurely Cultural Odyssey
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1-Day Tour
Themed Itineraries
Travel in Taipei


Itinerary:Museum of Contemporary Art TaipeiTaisho Town Art Festival Mural(Mini Cultural Trip Culture Sites)SPOT-Taipei Film HouseMRT Zhongshan Underground Book StreetXinzhongshan Linear ParkTsai Jui-yueh Dance Research InstituteNingxia Road Night MarketTiaotong Business District on Zhongshan N. Road

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Taipei, as the world's first, has allowed the museum and school to share a common building. As Taiwan’s pioneering art museum dedicated to promoting contemporary art, MoCA Taipei advocates for diverse artistic creation and exhibitions, igniting fresh perspectives and ideas among the public, while serving as an infinite wellspring of creativity and vitality for contemporary urban development. On the other hand, SPOT, known as the former U.S. Consulate in Taipei and the Residence of the U.S. Ambassador, was recognized as a third-class historical relic site in 1997 and transformed into Taipei Film House. As a film culture-themed cultural space that integrates the elements of film, music, exhibitions, and coffee, SPOT has illuminated splendid cinematic experiences for Taipei's film culture.
The Melody of Arts: A Leisurely Cultural Odyssey
The Zhongshan Underground Book Street that links MRT Zhongshan Station and Shuanlian Station offers book lovers a brighter, more comfortable, and diverse environment for reading and buying books. The Zhongshan Linear Park located between these two station, on the other hand, not only serves as a green corridor for urban living but also represents a highlight of Taipei's contemporary urban spaces. This area features stylish and innovative shops, perfect for slowing down and exploring the blend of new and old charms, as well as embracing the leisurely atmosphere of the city.

The Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute that resembles a green space in a bustling district has transformed from a Japanese-style wooden government official dormitory into the "cradle of Taiwan’s dance". Once the residence of Tsai Jui-yueh, the matriarch of Taiwan’s contemporary dance, it has evolved into her choreography and dance creation studio and now functions primarily as a dance classroom.

As night descends, visitors can explore Ningxia Night Market to indulge in local delicacies, followed by a visit to Linsen North Road to immerse themselves in the "Tiaotong culture" of Japanese-style bars. Ningxia Night Market stands out as one of Taipei city's most unique night markets, while the cultural immersion in the "Tiaotong Shopping District" allows visitors to experience Japanese bar culture by seeking out izakayas or hot spring establishments hidden within the alleys. This showcases Taipei's rich and diverse cultural ambiance.
The Melody of Arts: A Leisurely Cultural Odyssey

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