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Taipei Travel

The Camphor Trail

Anchor point

Post date:2021-10-15


As you are walking around the Maokong area, you may be curious about its history and wonder about the people who have lived here before. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a time machine so you could see what it was really like? Hiking on the Camphor Trail comes pretty close, and is the most authentic way to experience the rustic lifestyle of those who lived in Maokong long ago.

You will feel transported back in time as you pass by the rustic countryside landscapes and see the relics of charcoal kilns, pigsties, carts, barns, traditional clay-brick farm houses, tea farms, and vegetable gardens. You can take some pictures while appreciating these authentic and beautiful relics of the past. One other experience that cannot be missed is a large pavilion that resembles a barn, and can rotate 360 degrees, giving you a wide view of the surrounding area.

The trail offers plenty of natural rewards too. Every spring, the mountainside comes alive with seas of bright yellow lupine flowers, while in autumn, the hills are abundant with beautiful pink cosmos flowers.

With a total length of around 1.5 kilometres, the trail is mostly flat, smooth, and accessible for visitors of all ages. The Camphor Trail interconnects with the Zhanghu Trail, forming a convenient loop, and the Maokong Gondola Station is also nearby.

One thing to keep in mind is that there is minimal shade along the trail, so make sure to bring an umbrella or hat with you. Taiwan is a remarkably sunny place, with many days of blue skies each year. The benefit of this open trail is that it does offer some very scenic bird’s eye views of Taipei. Once at the top, you will feel at once refreshed and triumphant to have conquered the mountain.